1. Converting Parameters to JPEG

In [1]:
from scipy.misc import imsave, toimage
from os import listdir
from os.path import basename, splitext
import glob
import numpy as np

npy_path = '../compressed-models/alexnet/npy/'
jpg_path = '../compressed-models/alexnet/jpegs/'
gif_path = '../compressed-models/alexnet/gifs/'
png_path = '../compressed-models/alexnet/pngs/'
txt_path = '../compressed-models/alexnet/txts/'

In [5]:
npy_list = glob.glob(npy_path + '*.npy')
min_max = {}

for file in npy_list:
    f = np.load(file)
    x = f.shape[0]
    y = np.prod(f.shape[1:])
    f_reshape = f.reshape(x, y)
    #f_normalized = np.round((f_reshape + 1) / 2. * 255.)    
    filename = splitext(basename(file))[0]
    #toimage(jpg_path + filename + '.jpg', f_resha)
    min_max[filename] = (f_reshape.min(), f_reshape.max())
    np.savetxt(txt_path + filename + '.txt', f_reshape)
#np.save(jpg_path + 'range.npy', min_max)

Load all npys and convert them to JPEG

In [ ]:
npy_list = glob.glob(npy_path + '*.npy')
min_max = {}

for file in npy_list:
    f = np.load(file)
    x = f.shape[0]
    y = np.prod(f.shape[1:])
    f_reshape = f.reshape(x, y)
    #f_normalized = np.round((f_reshape + 1) / 2. * 255.)    
    filename = splitext(basename(file))[0]
    #toimage(jpg_path + filename + '.jpg', f_resha)
    min_max[filename] = (f_reshape.min(), f_reshape.max())
    imsave(jpg_path + filename + '.jpg', f_reshape)
np.save(jpg_path + 'range.npy', min_max)

Load all npys and convert them to GIF

In [ ]:
npy_list = glob.glob(npy_path + '*.npy')
min_max = {}

for file in npy_list:
    f = np.load(file)
    x = f.shape[0]
    y = np.prod(f.shape[1:])
    f_reshape = f.reshape(x, y)
    #f_normalized = np.round((f_reshape + 1) / 2. * 255.)    
    filename = splitext(basename(file))[0]
    #toimage(jpg_path + filename + '.jpg', f_resha)
    min_max[filename] = (f_reshape.min(), f_reshape.max())
    imsave(gif_path + filename + '.gif', f_reshape)
np.save(gif_path + 'range.npy', min_max)

Load all npys and convert them to PNG

In [ ]:
npy_list = glob.glob(npy_path + '*.npy')
min_max = {}

for file in npy_list:
    f = np.load(file)
    x = f.shape[0]
    y = np.prod(f.shape[1:])
    f_reshape = f.reshape(x, y)
    #f_normalized = np.round((f_reshape + 1) / 2. * 255.)    
    filename = splitext(basename(file))[0]
    #toimage(jpg_path + filename + '.jpg', f_resha)
    min_max[filename] = (f_reshape.min(), f_reshape.max())
    imsave(png_path + filename + '.png', f_reshape)
np.save(png_path + 'range.npy', min_max)

2. Reference Sizes:

conv1 (96, 3, 11, 11) (96,)
conv2 (256, 48, 5, 5) (256,)
conv3 (384, 256, 3, 3) (384,)
conv4 (384, 192, 3, 3) (384,)
conv5 (256, 192, 3, 3) (256,)
fc6 (4096, 9216) (4096,)
fc7 (4096, 4096) (4096,)
fc8 (1000, 4096) (1000,)

3. Sanity Check

In [ ]:
from scipy.misc import imread

f = imread(jpg_path + 'conv1.jpg')
min_max = np.load('range.npy')
#f_normalized = (f / 255. * 2.) - 1
print f[0]
print min_max